Saturday, January 26, 2008


Yesterday I met a local celebrity. This lady came to my checkstand and I greeted her "Hello. How are you?" Then I looked down the belt--Wow! There must have been 50 bottles of flavored water, all lined up like soldiers on parade. Well, we started talking and I recognized her voice. So I asked her if she used to be on KSBY-TV, on the news. She said yes she was Amy Jacobs and she is now on the radio, Coast FM 101.3 (Dad's favorite station) on the morning show. Then I told her I won the family 4-pak to Sea World from that station a few years ago. She thought that was pretty neat and now I owe them and should listen to that station all the time.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cody's blurb

You want to hear something funny? Well, the day after Cody had his wisdom tooth out (yes, he just had one removed) he left a message on my voicemail. He asked me to buy those chicken buns. When I called to ask him what he meant, he said you know those chicken patties. It was pretty funny and I thought you all might enjoy hearing about it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Christmas vacation

We did some fun things over Christmas vacation. We wanted to go to Oregon to visit with Kevin's parents and brother, Dave, for Thanksgiving but I knew I would work the day before and the day after so we planned to take the 5th wheel to Morro Bay on Christmas Eve and then come back Christmas Day. Well, that got shot down when Kevin got sick on the 15th and it kept dragging on. Cody also got sick the day he got home. When Kevin saw Mandi's kid's gingerbread house, he said "I want a gingerbread house". So I bought a kit. I finally found time to put it together on Christmas Day. I got Cody away from his computer and asked Kevin to come help us put it together. Kevin tore himself away from his computer just about the time we finished. Then the next day Cody started eating it! After a couple of days, Kevin said Hurricane Cody hit the gingerbread house.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Daddy's girl

At the store on Saturday, I saw the cutest thing! A young father was getting ready to leave the store and asked his young daughters "Who am I going to carry?" and they both answered "Me, me". It made me smile and reminded me of my childhood. Whenever my dad would start to go out the door, I would ask him "Where are you going?" and he would reply "Crazy. Wanna come?". Of course, I wanted to go anywhere he was going since he was gone from home so much of the time.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Last night as I was driving home, I was composing my next blog in my mind--all about Christmas time and having Cody home with us. Well, when I got home, dad told me we had a power surge and our computer blew up! So, I'm all sad and in withdrawal until just a few minutes ago when he told me he had something else set up for me. I guess he knows how much I like to go online. Thanks!