Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yogurt! Oops-Gelato

Isn't she so cute? Jenny called me one day and asked me out for frozen yogurt. I had lime and I forget what Jenny had. That's what happens when you blog about an event almost a month later!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My other sister

Another person I always try to visit when I'm in Salt Lake City is Penny. She has known me all my life and I consider her my other sister. Our history is too long to go into here (although I should write it down for posterity). She's very sweet, loving, kind and thoughtful. We had a very nice visit and just when I was thinking it was time to go, she offered to fix me lunch. See what I mean!
This is her house where she's lived with her husband Gene, who passed away last year, for almost 40 years. She also raised 3 great children there.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Family Dinner

One Sunday we had a family dinner. When I asked Melissa if she would be available, she suggested we have it at her fiance, Steve's house. Its right across the street from the Draper Temple. Its also huge! 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a pool with a spa. We had different kinds of soups along with salad and rolls. The goofball in the picture above is my brother Steve. He did his hair and the earring for my nephew Ryan who forgot about the dinner and therefore missed out on Steve's hair. I can't believe Ryan would forget about free food again! That's my sister Teri on the left.
Here's a shot of the kitchen and dining room area. I love the style of this house, but its just too big for me. Sitting at the table and you see just a slice of him is Cody and then Danny on the other side of the table. Standing at the door to the deck is Jenny. Sitting at the breakfast bar are Teri and Clem her husband. Standing on the other side of the breakfast bar are Melissa and Mandi.
When the Goodwin family gets together we like to talk as evidenced by Danny talking to Vicky, my brother Steve's wife. Steve is coming in the door. To the right of Vicky with his back to the camera is Cody talking to Jenny.
Cody and Jenny--they get along really well since Jenny is only 4 months older than Cody and married to his older brother!
Mandi is listening intently to Steve, Melissa's fiance, talk about his work with disfigured children in Mexico. He volunteers his time and expertise to poor children who need plastic surgery.
Mandi, Melissa and Steve. We had ice cream for dessert along with the Brownies I made. When Melissa called me at Mandi's house to talk about the dinner, she thought I was Mandi and when I identified myself as Aunt Kathy she said "Pushy Aunt Kathy". Well, maybe I was pushy but at least the dinner happened!
Clem, Teri, in the background--Vicky, Cody and Jenny
Teri, Clem and Danny--I'm sure that was an interesting conversation.
Danny and Jenny are so cute!
I took this picture of Danny and Cody just as Danny thought he had a "buggie". That's what Kyra used to call anything that irritated her.
This is a better shot of my boys.
Steve sat down at the piano to play "Moonlight Sonata". He said he hadn't played it in awhile. I say--more practice. I love to hear him play. And that's the end of the family dinner. Love you all and miss you!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Draper Temple

I made arrangements to go to the Draper Temple with my sister, Teri. Then she called me two days before saying she had something else going that day that she forgot about. I contacted my friend Peggy Cann and we made arrangements to go to the Draper Temple. It was a nice visit.

Peggy is a Brimhall from Paso Robles. She dated my brother Ed, when they were in high school!

Snow cones

One Saturday, Mike invited his former mission companion, Dustin, and his family for dinner. We had shish kebabs, chips and soda. Dustin brought along his snow cone machine. Here's the line. The first in line is Dustin's little boy. Isn't he cute? Next is Rachel. The girl behind her is Dustin's youngest girl (Sorry, Dustin I don't remember her name). She kept saying "look at that bad boy".
Mike and Dustin guarding the "snow"
Mandi is dispensing the syrup
Dustin, Mike, Mandi and Austin making sure he gets about 5 flavors in his ice. Yuck!
Mitchell and Mandi. Look how tall he is!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rachel's hair

Mandi is very creative with Rachel's hair. Rachel wants her hair long like her mama's so they are letting it grow.
Here she is, ready for their dinner guests, Mike's former mission companion and his family.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jordan River Templs

In case you didn't know, I love to go to the temple while on vacation. There are so many choices near my daughter's house so I go to all the closest temples that I can. Also, I love to take pictures of the temples and their landscaping and fountains.
As you can see, it was raining that day, but not too much. By the time I came out, it had stopped

I thought this was a neat shot from the parking lot of the spire.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Free food!

Jenny and Danny invited me to a free meal with them on the first Thursday I was in Utah. Just one hitch, I had to sit through a fire-safety presentation. They picked me up and we drove to Madelines.
Danny, Amanda (Jenny's sister), Ben (Amanda's brother), and John (Jenny and Amanda's dad).

Regina and Jenny
Jenny is turning in her questionnaire

Jenny putting on the sad face because Ryan "forgot" about free food!

Danny is trying to keep Amanda warm after dinner

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Conference Center

Walking to my car from the Salt Lake Temple, I took this picture of the fountain at the Conference Center. I just stood there and watched it for a minute. I really like fountains.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tulips at the Salt Lake Temple

If you didn't know already, I love tulips!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


It all started when I was on my way to my exercise class this morning. I started chewing a piece of gum. It pulled out the temporary crown I had put in on Monday. So after my class I called the dentist to see if he could re-cement my temporary crown. I'm driving to San Luis and see something odd off to the left out of the corner of my eye. Then it comes onto the highway and I realize its a deer and I'm going to hit it! I honk the horn while slamming on my brakes. I hit the deer and it bounces off my car and flies off the highway into the gully. (for those of you who know the area, it was on the right of the roadway just before Hunter Ranch golf course.). I keep going but decide I better pull over to check out my car. This is what I see (frown).
As I'm looking at my car, another car pulls over in front of me to ask if I'm alright and I notice its one of my co-workers, Patricia. She saw the deer bounding across the highway and wanted to make sure everything was good. So I reassure her and get back in my car and then I start crying. I had a huge adrenaline rush but I calmed down and was able to drive to the dentist without further incident. The rest of the day was mild.

Mount Timpanogos Temple

Isn't this the coolest tree? I love it so much. I would really like to have one in my yard.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bubble gum

When I was visiting with Mandi in November, she took Rachel and me to the best bathroom store I've ever been to and on the way mentioned that Rachel could blow bubbles with bubble gum. So I made sure to bring bubble gum when I stayed at their house this time. Rachel is trying to blow a bubble but its not happening. She asks me for gum all the time.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Jenny called me the first Tuesday I was there and invited me for a picnic. We drove over to Liberty Park and met Danny (my boy!) and Jenny's friend, Emily. They brought delicious Chinese food from Smith's food king. It was really good.
Emily looks like Miss Prim and Proper. Don't ask me why. I took this picture because Jenny was getting ready to snap a shot. Thanks for asking me to join you!

Rachel and Austin

Here's Rachel with a fancy do by her mom
Austin in his Sunday clothes (vest buttoned)
Vest unbuttoned
Rachel loves her brother

I just kept snapping. They are so cute! Mitchell is absent from these pictures because he rushed home from church and changed his clothes by the time the rest of us got there.