Thursday, June 23, 2011

35 years!

Yesterday was my 35th wedding anniversary and this afternoon, Brad saw the cards Kevin and I exchanged on the kitchen table and asked how many years, after wishing me happy anniversary. When I told him 35, he asked if Mandi was 34. When I told him she is, he was pretty amazed. We both agreed that she looks way good!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Family time

I just had to share this because it reminds me of the day when 4 out of 5 people in the room were on their cell phones. I will post that picture sometime.

Friday, June 3, 2011

flashback friday

one time (a long time ago now) when my dad was visiting

clem and teri in logan, utah

he bought a toupee from my sister-in-law's dad, who

was a barber.

dad wore the toupee to church in his home ward

and in his priesthood class, the teacher asked him to introduce

himself. he replied, "i'm ray g--"s cousin clarence"

(my dad is ray g---)

we still enjoy a good laugh about that in our family. dad holding baby lori, clem, my brother-in-law