Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dining a la Fresco

Sunday night I fixed dinner and by the time we were going to eat, the sun had already set but I wanted to eat outside anyway because it was hot in the kitchen. Kyra looked out the window and asked if I was sure I wanted to eat outside. Yes! I mentioned that then people couldn't see that I burned the meat. When we went outside, it was balmy and light enough to see what we were eating. It was very lovely.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The holes

I'm posting these pictures mainly for Mandi. She'll be glad to know that Kevin fixed them. This hole was left when Kevin took out the wall heater about three years ago. In November. Before we had forced air. Needless to say, we used our wood-burning stove a lot that winter.
Here's the after.

This is the wall in the pantry after Kevin installed the panel for the generator. (We love Nacho Doritos!)

Here's the fix! Its so great to have these holes plastered over. Thanks Kevin!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Funny story

Isn't that shag carpet awful? We're going to replace it one of these days. Anyway, on to my story. The other morning I was in my bedroom and I heard a cat meow and there was Pipi, in my room with me! I looked at the window and she had taken the screen off! At least, I didn't have to replace it like I did after Nori ripped it to shreds. Anyway, that's not the whole story. This morning, Pipi woke me up with her meowing at 2am. Somehow she got locked out of her little house. So I got up and went to put her in and after I closed the door and locked it, I heard this strange noise. I walked toward the shed (the moon was full!) and heard water coming out of the tank. The rod that controls the fill was stuck and water was pouring out of the tank. So guess who got woken up to fix it? That's right, Kevin! Thank you Pipi for waking me up!