Friday, June 3, 2011

flashback friday

one time (a long time ago now) when my dad was visiting

clem and teri in logan, utah

he bought a toupee from my sister-in-law's dad, who

was a barber.

dad wore the toupee to church in his home ward

and in his priesthood class, the teacher asked him to introduce

himself. he replied, "i'm ray g--"s cousin clarence"

(my dad is ray g---)

we still enjoy a good laugh about that in our family. dad holding baby lori, clem, my brother-in-law

1 comment:

  1. Love love LOVE the family legends, myths and tall tales. All having been rooted in a true life happening. We have a few of them ourselves as should every family. Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine how this adventure is remembered by the ward members. lol.
