Sunday, May 24, 2009

Free food!

Jenny and Danny invited me to a free meal with them on the first Thursday I was in Utah. Just one hitch, I had to sit through a fire-safety presentation. They picked me up and we drove to Madelines.
Danny, Amanda (Jenny's sister), Ben (Amanda's brother), and John (Jenny and Amanda's dad).

Regina and Jenny
Jenny is turning in her questionnaire

Jenny putting on the sad face because Ryan "forgot" about free food!

Danny is trying to keep Amanda warm after dinner

1 comment:

  1. At least the dinner was good! And Danny and I got a free baseball bat for inviting them to our house :) And guess what? We now have brand new fire alarms in our house! We didn't buy them from Masterguard (hello, overpriced), but we finally went to Home Depot and got some. Plus we bought a carbon monoxide detector and a new fire extinguisher. Danny taught me how to use a fire extinguisher with the old one he was about to throw away. I had no idea how to use it! At least I know now. We only bought 4 alarms for now until we have more spare money, but we're on our way to being fire safe :)
