Thursday, May 21, 2009


It all started when I was on my way to my exercise class this morning. I started chewing a piece of gum. It pulled out the temporary crown I had put in on Monday. So after my class I called the dentist to see if he could re-cement my temporary crown. I'm driving to San Luis and see something odd off to the left out of the corner of my eye. Then it comes onto the highway and I realize its a deer and I'm going to hit it! I honk the horn while slamming on my brakes. I hit the deer and it bounces off my car and flies off the highway into the gully. (for those of you who know the area, it was on the right of the roadway just before Hunter Ranch golf course.). I keep going but decide I better pull over to check out my car. This is what I see (frown).
As I'm looking at my car, another car pulls over in front of me to ask if I'm alright and I notice its one of my co-workers, Patricia. She saw the deer bounding across the highway and wanted to make sure everything was good. So I reassure her and get back in my car and then I start crying. I had a huge adrenaline rush but I calmed down and was able to drive to the dentist without further incident. The rest of the day was mild.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you're ok. I'm terrified of something like that happening to me. It can happen so quickly. Sorry :(
