Friday, July 23, 2010


For all of you who know me, you know that I love home-grown tomatoes. Well, the other day I picked my first tomato. It looks ready, doesn't it? But I jumped the gun. it wasn't quite ripe yet. I ate it anyway.
Here's what I did with it and you can see in the stem area of the one slice that its still green . It really needed to be on the vine for a couple more days. It still tasted good! Can't wait for more.

1 comment:

  1. That tomato looks divine! I hadn't ever eaten a tomato (in whole-tomato form) until Danny had me try one when we were dating. I love them now! And he's also introduced me to the goodness of having a fresh, meaty tomato instead of a watery store-bought one. Looks so great! Miss you!
