Monday, June 23, 2008


I just had to post this since Mandi ( made such a big deal about her 12th anniversary. Yesterday was my anniversary THIRTY-TWO, yes that's T-H-I-R-T-Y-T-W-O years. I think that is a great accomplishment. Since it was Sunday, we didn't go out to dinner like we usually do but we did give talks in church! Kevin asked me for a lunch date today and when I suggested Buono Tavola he thought that was too expensive. Kevin wants take-out from the Templeton Market but I don't think I want that. I'll get rolls from Sushi Kokku instead. mmmmmm
Here's a funny little sidenote--we were at Von's on Saturday night because we were out of bananas and I suggested to Kevin that he might want to go to aisle 6. He asked me why and I just gently pushed him in that direction saying, "just go see." The flower stand was that way too but I didn't even think of that. I just wanted him to buy me an anniversary card. After I paid for the bananas, I headed for the car and then turned to see if he was at the checkout stand yet. There he was paying for his items and the cashier was a friend from WalMart (she works two jobs) so I went back to introduce them and noticed Kevin had bought a dozen roses. In my defense, that wasn't my intent when I suggested he go to the greeting card aisle. Really! Thank you for the beautiful roses!

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