Thursday, August 13, 2009


When Danny was about 13 years old, he came home from a visit with the Robinson's. The next morning while I was sitting on the sofa, I heard strange noises coming from his room. I went to investigate and found two kittens there. Since Danny was enamored of Marilyn Monroe at the time, I suggested we name them Norma Jean and Marilyn Monroe. Norma Jean we shortened to Nori. A few weeks later we found out Marilyn Monroe wasn't a female and I suggested Joe DiMaggio for his name. To make a long story short, Nori got a real bad infection in her head about 3 months ago. Kyra informed me earlier this week that they were taking her to the vet. Well, there were three options and the best one we chose, for us and for Nori, was euthanasia.
when I came in from the garden yesterday morning, Kyra and Brad were sitting with Nori, grooming her and Kyra had tears running down her face. I had to steel myself to not start crying, too. Nori has been an integral part of our family for almost 17 years. We will truly miss her.

This blog is dedicated to our cat, Nori.


  1. Very sad. It's definitely hard to lose a pet. They really become part of your family.

  2. :(
    I have very fond memories of snuggling with Nori.

  3. :( i'm so sorry you guys had to say goodbye to nori. it's so hard to lose a pet.
